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- Program Overview
- From the Department Chair
- Accreditation
- Program Profile
- Campus Visitors
- Academic Programs
- Undergraduate Programs
- Graduate Programs
- Distance Education Programs
- Internships and Co-ops
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- Undergraduate Students
- Graduate Students
- Distance Students
- Mining and Explosives Engineering Certificates
- Current Students
- Undergraduate Students
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- Distance Students
- Mining and Explosives Engineering Certificates
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- Faculty & Staff
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- Resources for Faculty and Staff
- Facilities
- Learning Laboratories
- Research Laboratories
- McNutt Hall
- Research
- Research Laboratories
- Undergraduate Research
- Thomas J. O'Keefe Institute
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- Experimental Mine
- Academy and Development Board
- Mines and MetallurgyAcademy
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- Alumni Information
- MSM-UMR Alumni Association
- Mining Related Links
- News/Results of Competitions
- The Mining Engineer
- Mining Competitions and Societies
- Competitions
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Mining engineers use science and engineering principles to safely extract minerals and provide raw materials for industrial processes. Mining engineers work in all kinds of mines and environments to provide critical materials (e.g. lithium and rare earth elements) and other materials (e.g. aggregates, metals, diamonds, and industrial minerals like gypsum) to support our way of life.
Explore Mining Engineering in our one of kind, on-site, Experimental Mine and various other labs. Our mining program offers hands on training so you can apply techniques from the classroom to real life situations on earthmoving, rock mechanics, mine design, mine ventilation, reclamation and blasting/explosives.
Continue your studies with our graduate programs designed to provide advanced training in mining engineering. We offer the graduate certificate, master of engineering (M.E.), master of science (M.S.), doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) and doctor of engineering (D.E.) degrees in mining engineering.
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Expand your knowledge while life happens. The Masters of Engineering in Mining Engineering is available at your convenience on line via distance learning. The courses are offered using online learning methods. Students will learn by listening to the online lectures and through directed self-study.